ahimsa: let the gunas flow thru you ||| gunas in their negative manifestations strike and block your better perception and retain your mind repeatedly until you manage to work thru them, work them (psychoanalysis) ||| negative gunas resemble the Riddle of The Sphinx (Freud), your personal set of chores, obligations (dharma). Das Grab meiner Mutter wurde aufgelöst. Wir erfahren es zufällig. Zwei Jahre danach. Immerhin ... liess ich ein Kadisch für sie sprechen. |||
spying through backdoors in technical devices (Turla) | FOMO : fear of missing out | buidling a second brain < GTD | Verachtung als Mischung aus Ekel und Ärger | Scham- vs. Schuldgesellschaften (Ruth Benedict, The Chrysanthemum and the Sword) | mindfulness and meditation @ the bay area startup hub? | religions conversion vs. conversion marketing conversion rate | ribbonfarm experiments in refactored perception | sleeping rough in winter (Caritas Kältetelefon, BBC 4) | die Selbstdarstellung der FPÖ als Opfer (SZ, Falter) | Nudge Theory (Richard Thaler, Cass Sunstein) and the idea of a libertarian paternalism | The untethered Soul, Michael A. Singer | Wir haben nicht nur Introjekte, wir sind auch unsere Introjekte. (Gestalt) | Wieder heimlich Freud gelesen? | Hau den Lukács! | truescum (NB, *) | conceiving - framing <> reframing - reconsidering | Robert K. Merton: self fulfilling prophecy as reign of error | Bernhard Pörksen, Die große Gereiztheit, Hanser 2018: no gatekeeper anymore? Fortsetzung Nervositäts- u. Neurasthenie-Diskurs! | behavioral confirmation effect, positive feedback between belief and behavior | Earnest Vincent Wright, lipogram, novel: Gadsby, 1939 > George Perec: La Disparition, 1969, transl. by Gilbert Adair | deep work (craft work, brain work) <> distraction, multitasking <> deep life/mindfulness, deep thinking, Charles Dickens' cabin | stats: 60 Manipulationen am Smarthphone per day /24 hrs | GABA | Ashwagandha | Burnout <> Boreout | George Cheyne, The English Malady. or, A Treatise of Nervous Diseases of All Kinds, as Spleen, Vapours, Lowness of Spirits, Hypochondriacal and Hysterical Distempers with the Author’s own Case at large. Dublin 1733 |||